Monday 11 June 2012

So.. a new hobby has been born.. blogging. What started as a "wouldn't it be funny if.." appears to have become a reality and yes you've guessed it.. there's a shoe theme right? Right. "Wouldn't it be funny if I started a blog of my Norfolk wellies and where I'd taken them?" This may have much to do with my obsession of photographing my feet at the beach, I am unsure when this obsession started and why but I have lots of foot-pictures. and so this blog will serve to tell the story of my wellies, or shoes, or maybe even just feet and where they have taken me this week.. I'm also hoping to have 'guest' feet so when your shoes have a story to tell or have taken you somewhere fun, photograph them and share their story :) .

This week my shoes took me to Norfolk (Flip flops naturally, its June). Amongst accompanying me shopping, to several lunch engagements and providing support during endless Jubilee celebrations (too many, right?) my wellies took me to Winterton beach. Sadly unlike previous visits, the beach was being shared by many other pairs of footwear and many wet doggies, but the sun was shining and there were Jellyfish to save (11!). I know for many, a trip to the beach would be a flip flop occasion but I am a big fan of the freedom wellies provide. Stomping and splashing about NEVER leads to wet or ruined shoes when in wellies.. what could be better? Especially since my last trip to Winterton lead to the sad demise of my favourite navy Converse (rest in shoe heaven).

Whilst my wellies loved their trip to Winterton, they also enjoyed many other walks around Norfolk, including a trip to the duck pond.. I can suggest wellies as the perfect footwear for a duck pond trip.. trampling is inevitable! Few of my Norfolk walks are alone and some walks are accompanied by little white doggy feet.. whilst doggies have no need for shoes, they are still incredibly cute.

For now, I've left my Norfolk wellies behind and am back in not-so-sunny Portsmouth where I fear the flip flops are going away for a while and we may even see a reappearance of the winter boots. Any interesting things my feet get up to this week I'll be sure to photograph and please feel free to contribute any shoe stories..

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