Thursday, 12 July 2012

 It never rains.. but it floods...

It would be very un-British of me not to start with a comment about the weather since it dominates our small talk.. "Lovely weather we've been having".. Not so much this summer. In fact the weather has been so terrible of late that I'm starting to think it may have been my fault for starting a blog over the summer named after welly boots..Hmph. They certainly are the most appropriate footwear of choice these days.. In fact if it carried on I may just welly-up and go for a splash about this weekend.. it shouldn't be too difficult to find some puddles.

As you can see, the fluffy socks are out.. although I have purchased some of these lovely new cream socks specifically for wearing with wellies as they are nice and long. Depressing that I was sat in these watching the Wimbledon final though..

The weather, along with the extra scheduled time I have had of late has lead me to find amusement indoors.. this I find particularly difficult. Shelves full of already read books and already watched DVD's have left me uninspired and so the search for inspiration began. A clear-out is where the search began and it was during said clear out that I found this beaut of a card. Received many birthdays' ago from a close friend I couldn't agree more with the message.. I hope you like it too :)

A clear-out is just what the doctor ordered at time.. allows you to take stock of what you have, what you need and what you couldn't live without. I didn't manage to find much I needed to throw out but it did remind me of all of the craft kit I have just hanging about... Right!

During all the moving and shuffling about I realised how many 'things' I'm currently in the middle of.. The picture with bunting, buttons, knitting and books etc shows you quite how many 'things'! Professionally I seem not to be able to walk away from a project without finishing it whereas personally I appear to get distracted easily.. I really am a flake. The sheer magnitude of the 'things' involved made me realise I must need a creative outlet.. I just clearly need more than one outlet. It could be worse.. it could be wine.

The clear-out also jolted me to remember the big occasions I have to attend very soon and how I have yet to buy a dress for any of said occasions.. it's most unlike me. I have therefore organised crisis shopping for this weekend.. mission 'dress' begins.

The last picture I have included for this blog is a very peculiar one.. for this I apologise. Since childhood I've always loved playing around with make up.. and in particular putting it on alternate body parts. One of my particular favourites of recent years is day dreaming about tattoos I would have if I were brave enough or had a job which would allow it.. this then leads me to doodle with the liquid eye-liner! I find it quite fun to sketch on ideas I have about some body art and I also found it very helpful when planning the tattoos I actually have. So.. as a little tip for anyone reading who is planning a new tattoo or likes to daydream about new tattoos.. get yourself a liquid eye-liner and get drawing.. If you still like what you've drawn by the end of the day then book yourself in for some ink.

The next week looks to be a fairly manic one.. largely good but very busy. I must say I'm very much looking forwards to getting to the weekend after next when I can be reunited with my Norfolk Wellies.. even if activity will be limited to puddle splashing.

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