Friday, 23 November 2012

Friday Night

After a week that felt longer than would be measurable on a ruler, Friday seems a complete wash-out. All I want to do is sleep but since going to sleep at 6pm would make we wake up at 4am I found myself something to do.. I donned my onesie and treated myself to an episode of Homeland. With fresh orange juice.

Anyone who knows me, knows I have a slight fetish for think/fluffy winter socks.. but fluffy socks and a onesie? Please... Its not December yet. And so I de-sock.. and to my horror unearth the most disgusting winter toe nails you ever did see. Oh.The.Shame. Chipped nail polish is not the most unsociable of beauty laxes, especially not in winter, but I usually pride myself in exceptional toenail grooming.. Which made me think, when did I get too busy to paint my toenails? It's a task I usually enjoy, along with my a self-manicure and eyebrow tweeze.. It just makes you feel neat and proper.. so when did I let this slip?

I removed nail polish from my fingers yesterday that had been chipped for well over a week, Oh.The.Shame.

Clearly a busy schedule is to blame, I have spent longer than I can remember apologising to friends I've not had time to see and apparently now I'm letting myself down too.. this isnt on. How can we be ready to face any challenges a day can bring when underneath our tights and socks we're vastly under-prepared? It's an insult to shoes.

So I had a stern word with myself.. and a tweeze, ex foliate, moisturise, floss, polish and brush. And when I get up in the morning (after what appears to be a long overdue beauty sleep) I'm painting my toenails. Bright Pink.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Firstly, apologies for missing weeks without any shoe updates.. but you know how it is.. it gets cold, you put your winter boots on.. and just keep them on until March.

Secondly, apologies for no pictures.. there are two reasons for this: 1. Winter boots are just winter boots. 2 I've lost my mojo.

I used to relish the opportunity to take some time with my camera and get pictures of things I was up to (and which shoes I was doing this in) but my enthusiasm for these things has dwindled and I find I'm mostly walking to places quickly in boring shoes.

I'm not sure how to get my mojo back.. but I think I may force myself into taking one picture a day of something that took my interest and sharing it with you all..

I hate this weather.. it upsets me.